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2022. Mitigation (Living Lexicon entry). Environmental Humanities. (Link here)

2022. The dredger. History and Anthropology. (Link here)


2021.  The ecobiopolitics of environmental mitigation: Remaking fish habitat through the Savanah Harbor Expansion Project. Social Studies of Science. (Link here)


2020 [with Lewis]. New horizons for dredging research: The ecology and politics of harbor deepening in the southeastern United States. WIRES Water. (Link here)

2020. [with Middleton, Cons, Dua, Valdivia, and Dunn]. Chokepoints: Anthropologies of the constricted contemporary. Ethnos. (Link here)

2019. [with Kneas]. Unbuilt and unfinished: The temporalities of infrastructure. Environment and Society 10. (Link here)

2019. Dirty landscapes: How weediness indexes state disinvestment and global disconnection. In Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene, Hetherington, ed. (Link here

2018 [with Cons and Middleton]. Chokepoints. Limn 10. (Link here)

2018. Watershed. Cultural Anthropology website, In "Speaking Volumes" series. (Link here)

2017. An infrastructural event: Making sense of Panama’s drought. Water Alternatives 10(3). (Link here)

2017 Keyword: Infrastructure - How a humble French engineering term shaped the modern world. In Infrastructures and Social Complexity, Harvey, Jensen, and Morita, eds. (Link here)

2017 [with Lewis] Toward a political ecology of infrastructure standards: Or, how to think about ships, waterways, sediment, and communities together. Environment and Planning A 49(1). (Link here)

2016. Drought as infrastructural event. Limn 7. (Link here)

2016. [with Keiner] Introduction to Panama Canal forum: From the conquest of nature to the construction of new ecologies. Environmental History 21(2). (Link here)

2016. 'Like a work of nature': Revisiting the Panama Canal's environmental history at Gatun Lake. Environmental History 21(2). (Link here)

2014. Beyond the Big Ditch: Politics, Ecology, and Infrastructure at the Panama Canal.MIT Press, Infrastructures Series. (Link here)

(Link to roundtable review)

2014. Moving ships over mountains: From the conquest of nature to political ecology at the Panama Canal. Harvard Design Magazine 39. (Link here)

2014. The year 2013 in sociocultural anthropology: Cultures of circulation and anthropological facts. American Anthropologist 116(2). (Link here)

2012. Nature as infrastructure: Making and managing the Panama Canal Watershed. Social Studies of Science 42(4). (Link here) (Award)

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